Sunday, August 14, 2005

Post at

Radio Left :: Will the Media Marginalize Cindy Sheehan At Some Point?: "Re: Will the Media Marginalize Cindy Sheehan At Some Point?

by iluvbush at 04:16PM (CDT) on Aug 13, 2005

Re: Will the Media Marginalize Cindy Sheehan At Some Point?

by iluvbush at 04:16PM (CDT) on Aug 13, 2005

this woman cimdy is mentally ill it is against the law to exploit such persons you left winged animals have also lost your minds as well your promoting such a thing is just wrong and unjust it is clear by most people that she is in fact mentally ill how does one sit there placing irational demands on our great president as far as her son being killed in the war that is the chance that all americans take when they infact join the military at times people die during a war thousands of people have died for many centuries in the usa fighting in war how many people do you actually think have reacted the way in which cindy is acting none besides her this is an outrageous example of your liberal stance on all things you liberals are so non reality based that it is just unamerican we as americans when we are small children are generally taught that tamtrums are not appropriate nor are demands i mean what will you and other lib organizations encourage next her to take someone hostage i am just annoyed and now on your homepage you are asking for air time on the media why would you promote such crap that is in fact what you are doing

most importantly cindy will soon end up in the psych ward as she clearly needs to be now and later she will lawyer up and sue all of you who have exploited her that is just the way you libs work once you do not get your demands met you then sue i will bet everything i have on the lawsuit happening then again you will all blame our great president for that as well you people are just sick to encourage this woamn who is clearly mentally ill to continue her outrageous behaviors you as humans should be encouraging her to be seen by a shrink instead of promoting your own agenda of bush bashing i also saw no where on your site where you have made any mention of the fact that bush has met with her why has noone mentioned that but that is so typical of you libs to not promote the truth i am so annoyed by your site and failure to state the truth and failure to protect this womans rights as a mentally ill person shame on all involved who continue to exploit her

tina vasudeva-ny email

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