Sunday, June 25, 2006

Iraqi echoes of Reagan's campaign in Lebanon

Iraqi echoes of Reagan's campaign in Lebanon:

"Iraq, as in Lebanon, suffers not from a lack of trained government security forces - more than 230,000 Iraqi security forces have been trained - but from a lack of willingness to fight on behalf of the Iraqi government. That willingness is something the United States cannot instill no matter how long it stays.

The longer we wait, the longer we will only continue to serve as a crutch for the Iraqi security forces. A phased redeployment, as advocated by people such as Murtha, should give Iraqi forces the motivation to stand up. And the United States would still maintain forces in the region by keeping ground forces in Kuwait and a carrier battle group and a Marine Expeditionary Force in the Persian Gulf.

Reducing troop levels in Iraq would also enable the U.S. to better fight the war on terror. It would allow United States to send more troops to Afghanistan, deal more effectively with Iran, better protect the homeland, and reduce the strain on our ground forces."

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